Bangladesh Human rights

UN Commission on Human Rights

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Bangladesh Human rights


The people of Bangladesh have a deep rooted awareness of human rights and fundamental freedom borne of the experience accompanying the nation's birth. This was again demonstrated in the struggle of the people of Bangladesh and their heroic sacrifice for the restoration of democracy by uprooting a+ deeply entrenched autocratic regime in December 1990.
The challenge before Bangladesh is to keep pace with rising expectations of people along a broad and complex range of fronts that mark the indivisibility of human rights. Therefore, Bangladesh reaffirms that right to development as established in the declaration on the right to development as a universal and inalienable right and an integral part of the fundamental human rights.
Bangladesh considers that hunger, poverty, illiteracy which characterize underdevelopment to be formidable impediments which frustrate the effective enjoyment of human rights. Removal of these impediments through mutual co-operation is, therefore, vital for the full realization of the aims and objectives of the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights. Bangladesh is pleased to note that the Vienna Declaration adopted in June 1993 at the conclusion of the World Conference on Human Rights highlighted the universal character and the indivisibility of human rights as well as reiterated the fact that existence of extreme poverty inhibits the full and effective enjoyment of human rights and that its immediate alleviation and eventual elimination must remain a high priority for the international community.
Bangladesh pledged its total commitment and unwavering support to the United Nations for its continuing efforts in promoting dignity and worth of the human person and for full realization of the principles enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Parliament in Bangladesh is sovereign and democratic polity is being given a permanent shape through institution building.
The administration has been made transparent and accountable, the press enjoys full freedom and the judiciary has been made independent.
The concept of human rights and gender equality is enshrined in the constitution of Bangladesh which, inter alia, guarantees equality of women in all spheres of state and public life. The government recognizes the equality of women as a principle of state policy and is fully aware of the importance and dignity of women in the overall development of the society. Keeping this in view, the government of Bangladesh has not only taken up various action programmes, but has also brought about legislative changes to give an institutional shape to the rights and the role of women in the national life of Bangladesh. In pursuance of this firm commitment, Bangladesh has to date, acceded to Nine International Instruments partaining to human rights, including the Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Convention on the Rights of the Children. In fact, Bangladesh is one of the first 20 ratifying states to the Convention on the Rights of the Children and also is a signatory to the UN Declaration of the World Summit on Children. As a follow-up action of the Summit Declaration, Bangladesh-UNICEF Advisory Group has already completed a National Plan of Action for child survival, development and
protection. Bangladesh's commitment and active involvement in ameliorating the condition of women bear recognition in its election to such international bodies as the Commission on Elimination of Discrimination against Women, Commission on tre Status of Women and the Board of Trustees of the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women. Quota system for women has been introduced with regard to employment in government and semi-government offices.
A policy decision has been taken at the highest level of the government to ensure women their rightful share in the society. There are 30 reserved seats for women in national parliament and quotas have been fixed for them in government jobs. Stringent laws have been enacted to protect women from social evils and to ensure their rights. Steps have also been taken for the economic empowerment of women.
On the question of the rights of minorities and communal harmony it can be said that Bangladesh is regarded as model in this regard in the region. The government and the people have ensured complete communal harmony in the country.
Regarding the situation in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) Prime Minister Khaleda Zia has taken the initiative to find a political solution of the problem through peaceful dialogue. During her state visit to India in May 1992 the Prime Minister held very fruitful talks with her Indian counterpart as Indian cooperation was necessary to bring an end to the armed tribal insurgency. An all-party parliamentary committee was set up in mid 1992.The committee initiated political dialogue with the insurgents with a view to early repatriation of those who had crossed to India and took shelter there. Their repatriation is continuing.
As a serving member of the UN Commission on Human Rights and the UN Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and ProWction of Minorities. Bangladesh continues to play an active and constructive role in promoting respect for human rights. The present democratic government of Bangladesh is totally committed to uphold the fundamental human rights : right to freedom, justice and adequate conditions of life, in an environment of equality that permits a life of dignity and well-being for all.